A Georgia Senate committee needs to take it up
a bill that would greatly ease financing
solar power for your housetop or business roof.
Sen. Jack Murphy is the chair, and you can contact him today.
GA SB 51, The Georgia Cogeneration and Distributed Generation Act, was read to the Senate 16 January 2013 and referred to the Committee on Regulated Industries and Utilities. Here’s contact information for the Chair of that Committee:
Senator Jack Murphy
325-A Coverdell Legislative Office Building
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: (404) 656-7127
Fax: (404) 463-1381
jack.murphy at senate.ga.gov
There’s still time for that Committee to recommend SB 51 and for the Senate to approve it before Crossover Day, coming up in a few weeks, before when it can still be approved by the House and made into a law this year.
PS: Owed to Claudia Musleve Collier.
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