How can Lowndes County not have a list of who it sold waste collection center cards to? How can it not provide it in response to an open records request?
In the 9 October 2012 Regular Session, Lowndes County Manager Joe Pritchard said:

Just under 5,000 residents who have purchased the cards
That was in his curiously redacted summary of the history of solid waste handling in the county, and he was referring to the access cards to the waste collection centers.
Yet when April Huntley submitted an open records request asking
for the names of the 5,000 people who would be affected by the
waste collection centers, this is what County Clerk Paige Dukes
In regards to your open records requst for a copy of the 5,000 residents in unincorporated Lowndes County who will be affected by the closing of the recycling centers, the document you have requested does not exist.
Maybe this explains part of why Veolia, excuse me, ADS, seemed so confused yesterday morning. Come tonight to see if any Commissioners ask about this.
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