Received today. To quote a VDT editorial of 3 March 2012:
When officials act like they have something to hide, they often do….
Here’s George’s Open Records Request. -jsq
February 7, 2013
George Boston Rhynes (229-251-8645)
5004 Oak Drive
Valdosta, Georgia 31605TO: Valdosta-Lowndes County; South Georgia Regional Library Director/Chair person along with Board Members Respectively, Georgia News Media Outlets concerned about open government and the sunshine brightness…
SUBJECT: An open records request on behalf of the general public right to know…
- Request a copy of the Valdosta Library Minutes for (Woodrow Wilson Library) for the last three months. (October, November and December)
- Request a copy of the (South Georgia Regional Library) Board Minutes for the last three months. (October, November and December)
Special note: If no meeting is required please reference the authority for NOT conducting such meeting as all other libraries!
Request a copy of the minutes wherein the Board of Director Members VOTED or approved a directive to RESTRICT all members of the press (WCTV, WALB, FOX, WALB, Radio and ordinary citizens to a 8ft X 4 ft (BLUE) oblong square? A square that gives the impression that members of the press or citizens are not welcome. Please see links!
- Did the board approve/vote to restrict news media or to control, suppress and abate tax paying citizens from knowing what takes place at Public Meetings in the State of Georgia?
- Does the white fan compliment and make for a better recording on camera’s or tape recorders? (Ceiling fans not turned on)
- Is the first Amendment being respected by those that should be more aware of citizens right to know under our form of government.
I will await our response to these questions asked on behalf f all Georgians and under our form of government.
GEORGE BOSTON RHYNES Requester of information on behalf of all concerned citizens and the local press Valdosta, Georgia Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
Video on behalf of a more open government for all members of the press.
- Public Meeting in the State of Georgia and Open Government.
Short Link:
Mr. Rhynes has been consistly disruptive at the library’s board meetings and can’t seem to understand that touching other people without their consent is innapropriate. If he squeezes my arms again and keeps calling me “baby” I’m going to ask him to leave the meeting in the future. I’m not going to continue to tolerate his intimidating and sexist behavior.
Kelly Lenz,
Library Director
I will post another response soon to the Library Director soon. But for now; let the first few minutes suffice for now!
Saint Join 8:32 (And anything else leads to bondage within the congress of ones own mind) G.B.R.