A citizen actually got an answer from a Lowndes County Commissioner at
the Regular Session of 22 January 2013.
Oh, and the set
the clock
correctly to five minutes.
Gretchen Quarterman noted Commissioner Marshall had looked up some old minutes, and she appreciated that old minutes are on the county’s website, but the last minutes there were for 9 October 2012. Then she asked them to blurt about the ankle monitoring program:
This morning, you had a really great report about the jail ankle monitoring system. And I would really like to encourage the county to do marketing. To call a press conference, to get some graduates from that program, to get the sheriff, to get the gentleman that spoke this morning, to stand out on the courthouse steps and talk about how great it was. People would have a really great feeling if they knew. This morning I was the only citizen here; now we’ve got three more. People aren’t finding out.. So if they didn’t come to this chamber, they wouldn’t know. So I encourage you, really, do a press release, do a press conference about that. It’s a gigantic huge important thing. Thank you.
The Chairman started to move on, but Commissioner Evans asked if she could answer the citizen’s question.
Mrs. Quarterman, there is a committee together that, when we first got this together, they was the one that came to me about getting this started and so there’s about six or ten people on the committee, and we’re going to get with them about it.
Gretchen responded:
You’re going to do like a, invite all the TV stations. I was really impressed this morning, and nobody knows. They just don’t know. There’s not really a way for them to know unless you blurt it out. So, blurt that out, because that’s really great stuff!
Chairman Slaughter:
And I’m sure you’ll help us do that.
You could be doing this yourself, you don’t need me! What if I go on vacation?
The Chairman remarked that he couldn’t help himself when he asked that question. Well, they could help themselves more than they are.
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