The Greater Lowndes Planning Commission made recommendations on cases
involving buffering a car wash, sizing parking spaces, alcohol at a corner store,
and a development inside the Moody exclusion zone,
all at its 29 October 2012 Regular Session.
Here’s the agenda, and here’s a video playlist, followed by a summary of the cases.
Regular Session, Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 29 October 2012.
Valdosta, Final action Thursday 8 Nov 2012
2. CU-2012-07 Stafford Properties
1609 Norman Drive, Valdosta
Request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP for a Car Wash in a Community Commercial C-C zoning district.
Developer from Columbus spoke for.
Neighbors were concerned about noise level, low lights at night, trash on grounds, etc.
Chair forgot to ask if anyone else wanted to speak for, so he asked that later. Herb Scott speaking as the owner said he hadn’t heard any of these complaints and he would fix them.
Commissioners discussed potential buffer or fence.
- 8AM to 8PM
- Conditional on building permit
- Lighting, noise, fence
Doubtless the details will be in the minutes.
Hahira, Final action Thursday 1 Nov 2012
3. HA-2012-01 Gateway Pines
1022 W. Stanfill Street, Hahira
Request for a Variance to Parking Requirement prescribed by Section 7-1.1, 7-4, and 9-3.2 of the Hahira Zoning Ordinance
Matt Martin said they wanted a few variances, for number of parking spaces, due to elderly residents who didn’t need as much parking; also parking spaces not as deep as Hahira standard.
The engineer for the project spoke for it. The Commissioners had questions. Nobody wanted to speak against. Commissioners discussed, including leaving the fate of an oak tree to the Hahira City Council, and then voted for staff’s recommendations.
Lowndes County, Final action Tuesday 13 Nov 2012
4. REZ-2012-16 Cook County Land Ventures
SW corner of Georgia Highway 122 East and Cat Creek Road, Hahira
Request to rezone ~2 acres from E-A (Estate Agriculture) to C-C (Crossroads Commercial)
See separate post.
5. REZ-2012-17 John Henry Davis dba Lowndes Development, LLC
Davidson Road, Valdosta
Request to rezone 23.49 acres from MAZ-II and MAZ-III (Moody Activity Zone) to R-10 (Suburban Density Residential)
It’s so close to Moody AFB that Moody had to be informed. Nobody spoke for. Moody spoke against, saying nothing had happened since the MAZ zones had been put in place to warrent a waiver: flight safety and safety of property were still concerns. Also Moody’s mission requires a lot of night-time flying, and noisy flying in the day, too. The Moody representatives also wanted to know about the mention of this property being a part of a larger plan. County Planner Jason Davenport confirmed that was a reference to the owner also owning the surrounding property.
The Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend denial.
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