Where will
Georgia Solar Utilities Inc.
the 2,200 acres it says it needs to build 80 MW of solar generation?
Well, it’s supposed to be “adjacent to Georgia Power Co’s coal-burning Plant Branch near Milledgeville, Ga.”, so let’s look there.
brochure on Plant Branch by Georgia Power
(undated, but last date mentioned is 1998, so I’m guessing 1999)
Located on 1,900 acres on Lake Sinclair in Putnam County between Eatonton and Milledgeville, Plant Branch was the first million-plus-kilowatt electric generating station to operate on the Georgia Power system. It is named for Harllee Branch Jr., former chairman of the board of Southern Company and president of Georgia Power. Construction on the plant began in 1961, and by the summer of 1969,
four units were in operation. The 1,539,000 kilowatts generated by Plant Branch provides enough electrical power for 342,000 households.
And now Plant Branch will be among the first to close coal-generating units. According to Melissa Stiers for GPB News 12 July 2011, Georgia Power Closing Three Plants,
Two coal fired units at Plant Branch in Milledgeville will close in 2013. That’s a result of federal regulation tightening air pollution controls. The company has said it’s too costly to upgrade those units.
As we know, Georgia Power’s parent The Southern Company
claimed it was incompetent to deal with the new EPA regulations
even though it had already announced the Plant Branch closures (amounting to about 770 MW),
and later SO announced
4,000 MW of coal plant closures.
While the various news stories keep saying Plant Branch is in Milledgeville,
actually, it’s on the other side of Lake Sinclair, closer to Eatonville,
and in Putnam County.
A quick glance at the
Putnam County Tax Assessor database maps
shows that the land parcel containing Plant Branch
is 913.87 acres, much of which isn’t actually used by the plant.
And Georgia Power owns a total of more than 3,000 acres adjacent
to that site.
So I’m guessing the 2,200 acres figure is simply around 3,100 total
Georgia Power acres minus 913 acres for the present Plant Branch site.
Estimates for land needed for a megawatt of solar power generation range
from 5 to 9 acres.
I usually use 6 acres / solar MW as a rule of thumb,
which would be 480 acres for 80 MW.
Suppose it’s 7 acres / solar MW: that’s 560 acres.
Even at 9 acres / solar MW that’s only 720 acres.
So there’s plenty of room on land Georgia Power already owns
for an 80 MW solar plant without unduly disturbing the woods or the deer.
With Moore’s Law continuing to push down the price of solar generation,
GaSU’s proposed plant is just the first of utility-scale solar
plants we’re going to see proposed while Georgia Power and SO
are frittering away Georgia Power customer dollars paying in advance
for that nuclear boondoggle at Plant Scherer.
And there is plenty of
private investment ready to go for solar plants,
as GaSU has demonstrated,
without needing the GA PSC to approve cost overruns being paid for by
Georgia Power customers, and without any $8.3 billion loan guarantee,
all unlike the nuke boondoogle.
Next to Plant Branch is a sensible location for a utility-scale solar power plant because the power lines already go there.
However, if
Georgia Solar Utilities (GaSU)
really is planning to use land owned by Georgia Power,
it seems as if GaSU needs to get agreement from Georgia Power to do that.
Which means the Georgia Public Service Commission (GA PSC) needs to
convince Georgia Power to do that.
There’s an election going on right now. Maybe we should elect some Commissioners and legislators who will make it so.
While we’re at it,
let’s modify that
1973 Georgia Territorial Electric Service Act
so that not only can utilities like GaSU set up shop without having
to go hat-in-hand to Georgia Power or GA PSC,
so that also you and I can
put solar panels on our own rooftops or parking lots
and sell the power on an open market!
The 80 MW GaSU is proposing is less than the 770 MW Georgia Power is closing,
but if we could all profit by distributing solar generation
on surfaces that now cost money
to air condition, we could quickly replace that 770 MW or even the total of 4,000 MW of coal generation
Southern Company says it’s closing: replace it with clean solar power that requires
no water to cool and no fuel to burn!
Ask yourself, does Georgia Power own the sunshine?
Short Link:
Well, over here it seems the Queen owns the sunshine…
…I don’t think you can rely on solar power installations being subsidized – rather than taxed – on into the future.
I’d forgotten about the window tax. So you’re saying Georgia Power is the Queen of Georgia?
It would be nice if the oil business would stop being subsidized and start paying its real tax rate.
Georgia Power may not be Queen of Georgia but they may be able to buy off enough politicians to get the taxes, regulations, and subsidies they want. Or the politicians might just be desperate for money and decide to tax everything that’s nailed down… the lesson of the Window Tax.
Your first sentence seems to have already happened.
The second sentence is the opposite of what’s happening in general in Georgia: the leg. is busily shoving all taxes off onto sales taxes that affect most those least able to pay. -jsq
Either way, the financial viability for the individual has little to do with the actual technology and much to do with the regulatory framework. Here in UK, if you figured out how to run your car on tap water (as sundry intarw3bz scams claim is possible with no regard for established physics) you then owe Her Majesty 37p (last I looked) litre fuel tax for the water you use to power your car – which could mean, if the MPG is low, that water could end up more expensive than petrol.
New petition for Georgia Solar Utilities, Inc