After briefly discussing or at least hearing items at the previous morning's Work Session, the Lowndes County Commission voted on them at its Regular Session of Tuesday 11 September 2012.
Here's the agenda, and the copy below has links to the corresponding videos or previous blog posts. Here's a video playlist.
Call to Order
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Minutes for Approval
- Work Session — August 13, 2012
- Regular Session — August 14, 2012
Adopt Resolution Appointing an Open Records Officer
- Resolution Regarding Review & Approval of Minutes of Executive Sessions
- Adopt Resolution accepting infrastructure for Glen Laurel Subdivision Phase II
- Adopt Resolution accepting infrastructure for Crestwood Subdivision Phase IV
- Appointment — Keep Lowndes/Valdosta Beautiful
Public Hearings
REZ-2012-12 Parker Place, 4842 Parker Place Rd., 0070 015; 3.4 ac., 3 lots, E-A to R-1, well/septic
- REZ-2012-14 Harris, 6926 Jones Dr., 0139 023, 6.8 ac., 1 lot, E-A to R-A, well/septic
- TXT-2012-01 — Primary Intent: Appendix A Land Disturbance & Clean Version of ULDC
- Public Hearing Renaming Sandy Creek Drive (CR #1118)
- Beer License — Lin's Hibachi — 1078 Lakes Blvd.
- For Consideration
- Bid – Rescue Pumper for Lowndes County Fire Rescue
- Reports-County Manager
- Citizens Wishing to be Heard Please State Name And Address
Short Link: