Somebody finally set the invisible clock in front of the Lowndes County Commission Chairman: for the first time in recent memory, they started on time, instead of four or five minutes before the announced start time. Even the old dog on the phone was surprised.
The whole meeting took about seven minutes long. Note the Millage Hearing announced for just before the next Regular Session.
- In his now-traditional insertion of an item not on the agenda, Chairman Ashley Paulk praised Parks and Rec
(he also serves on their board) for organizing the Dizzy Dean Baseball Tournament which just filled local hotels. He also noted that the county entirely funds VLPRA, providing services for everyone in the county.
- 4. They approved the minutes with no changes.
- 5. They reappointed Hickman and Feldman to the Hospital Authority to terms starting in August; see the Work Session videos for more detail.
- 6.a-b. They approved two grants, one for emergency response, the other for planning and preparedness; see the Work Session videos for more detail.
- 6.c. They approved a new, longer contract for Code Red services that saves money; see the Work Session videos for more detail.
- 6.d. They approved the cost-saving Cisco Unified Server System; see the Work Session videos for more detail.
- 6.e. They approved the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the Haven; see the Work Session videos for more detail.
- 7. Approved bid for CDBG construction. First County Manager Joe Pritchard clarified that the initial low bid exceeded the budgeted funds for the contract, and
as allowed by the Georgia statutory law for public works construction projects, the county negotiated with Quillian Powell Construction [the low bidder] to obtain the contract price that Lisa [Burton] has listed.
It’s $635,000 see as stated the previous morning in the Work Session. - 8. Millage Hearing 5PM 24 July 2012 –Joe Pritchard. The County Manager reiterated what he said in the Work Session that there would be a millage public hearing just before the next County Commission Regular Session, and staff did not anticipate any increases in the millage.
- There were no citizens wishing to be heard, so they adjourned.
Here are videos of the previous morning’s work session. Here’s the agenda.
Here’s a video playlist of this Regular Session:
Started on Time! Lowndes County Commission finally set its clock
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE), Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 10 July 2012.
Short Link: