Don’t want to wait until May Day to see Governor Deal? Breakfast with him Wednesday!
According to email from the Chamber:
I wanted to let you know that this year’s State Legislative Luncheonwill be a breakfast on Wed. April 25 from 7-8:30 a.m. featuring Gov. Deal and all members of our local delegation. Registration is $25 and there is limited seating as it is being held at Valdosta State University’s University Center Magnolia Room. You can register online or simply let me know how many you will have attending and I will register for you.
More on the Chamber’s website:
Registration is $25 for Chamber members and $40 for all others. Chamber members can purchase a corporate table for eight for $200. Attendees must register by noon on April 20.
Registration has closed for this event
Tut tut.
Also, is this Wednesday morning thing a rescheduling of the May Day event? Apparently so, since the Chamber’s calendar doesn’t list the May Day one and it does list this one. Why did they change the date, time, and location? Didn’t get as many subscribers as they wanted? Didn’t want it to be as public? Other?
Short Link: