The message of Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation AuthorityExecutive Director George Page was clear at tonight’s Master Planning Steering Committee workshop when he told the group “I’m not a fan of the status quo.” If you’ve followed the work of Mr. Page and the staff of the VLPRA, especially their work on securing the upcoming baseball tournament which is projected to have an economic impact of about $250,000, then you know that this is no exaggeration.
The meeting tonight was the first of a series of meetings that are geared toward getting public involvement in the upcoming Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan. The VLPRA has contracted with
the Nashville-based architectural and land planning group Lose and Associates, to conduct the comprehensive plan. Lose is pronounced more like the geologic term defining windborne silt (loess), and less like how we identify the team that scores fewer goals in a soccer match (lose). The meeting tonight, which was led by two Lose planners, was focused on evaluating current VLPRA programs and facilities and offering suggestions for future improvements.
This evening’s group of about 15 participants consisted of
parents,educators, retirees, coaches, and even one scrawny bicycle advocate. The group identified facilities maintenance, safety and advertising/promotion among the critical issues VLPRA must address. Several parents mentioned feeling unsafe at Valloton Park at night following their children’s games. The group also suggested VLPRA improve their website in order to access the younger community.
After suggesting a variety of future programs and facilities the committee was asked to vote on their favorite ideas. The group seemedmost interested in a coach training program, a youth cycling program and an aquatics program among others. The group overwhelmingly
supported the building of a multi-purpose recreational facility during its vote on facilities. Other facilities ideas included an indoor walking and running track, an equestrian facility, and a cycling complex. Also the group discussed the creation of a VLPRA foundation asa creative approach to funding future projects. Other funding suggestions included instituting parking fees, leasing out facilities, and using SPLOST funds.
According to Lose and Associates, about 3,500 families in the Valdosta-Lowndes area will be receiving direct mail surveys in the coming weeks. These surveys will discuss many of the same topics of evaluating current facilities and programs and suggesting where you’d like to see the VLPRA focus its energy in the coming years. If you receive one of the mailers, be sure to fill it out since community involvement is important for developing a successful master plan. If you don’t receive one of the surveys there will still be several opportunities for you to get involved. In March there will be about six public meetings concerning the master plan. According to Mr. Page the meetings will be advertised on the VLPRA website, in the Valdosta Daily Times, and by word of mouth.
-Matt Portwood
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Today, on Democracy Now! I saw a great interview with Mike Brickner from the ACLU in Ohio and Florida State Senator Mike Fasano. They discussed the potential negative effects that could accompany the privatization of prisons. Check it out here: