The citizens of (Quitman) Brooks County Georgia and South Georgia areextremely greatful for their support and outreach! They are indeed the real patriots of our beloved republic by standing up for voting rights.
The News Media seem to be taking a back seat to keeping citizens and voters informed along the lines of fairness in the State of Georgia and beyond.
As a retired military veteran, I was extremely happy for the Press Conference in support of the Quitman 10 as included in the links below. We must not forget about the citizens and voters in Brooks County, Willacoochee, Douglass-Coffee County Georgia (nooses) Tallahassee, Madison, Florida and other rural areas acorss the nation.
All Georgians and American citzens
must understand; That we (AMERICA) are not who we claim to be; but who we prove ourselves to be over a given period of tme. So, when truth comes into the minds of those that seek truth; then all falsehood must vanish; and falsehood is forever a vanishing thing.Here’s the video.God bless both the righteous and the not so righteous!
George Boston Rhynes
Retired United States Armed Force Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity
Valdosta, Georgia and keeping it real in 2012
Short Link:
GABEO-Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials to hold annual conference in Q-town February 24, 25, 26, 2012. We are so THANKFUL that OTHERS HEAR and UNDERSTAND what happened in BROOKS..And we would love to meet you here!!! God bless ALL of you and God will continue to bless Brooks and America.