Is gently orienting the Land Bank Authority to Sunshine Law compliance going to be a joint LAKE transparancy in government venture or am I riding solo? Since their purpose is to acquire, transfer, divest, etc. land for the common good, real time exposure of this public good should be welcomed. I’m sure it is just an oversight that to date I have never seen a posted meeting date and the city web site has never listed anything but “occasionally” for a meeting schedule. Perhaps they think citizens would be bored and not interested in their meetings and we just need to let them know weIt’s an hours in the day issue. if you want to spearhead this issue, please lead. As you know, LAKE as an organization rarely takes a position on anything. Most topics are pursued by one or two or more individuals and almost all posts are the opinions of the poster, unless otherwise indicated by “for LAKE”. You seem to be the kernel of a syndicate of initiative on this one.are interested. Currently I’m interested in the construction for Dupont on St. Augustine.
Also we need to keep watch to make sure SB 284, which would legislate the formation of a regional land bank with greatly enhanced acquisition powers, does not rise from the 2011 session ashes. If getting information from the local land bank authority is so difficult, can you imagine trying to keep up with a regional entity and all the creative land deal possibilities.
-Barbara Stratton
According to The Valdosta City page on the Land Bank Authority “Last updated: 8/23/2010 7:29:18 AM”:
There is hereby established the Valdosta-Lowndes County Land Bank Authority pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 48-4-60, et seq., the establishment of which is to foster the public purpose of returning property which is in a non-revenue generating, non-tax producing status to effective utilization status in order to provide housing, new industry and jobs for citizens. The authority is comprised of four members with two appointed by the city and two appointed by the county. One of the city appointees must be a City Council member and one of the county appointees must be a County Commissioner. The authority shall meet from time to time, at least annually, and the presence of three members shall constitute a quorum.Elsewhere they list under “Interested in Serving?”
Contact: Mara Register, Assistant to the City Manager, at 229-259-3571 or register@valdostacity.comNothing anywhere I can find about when or where they meet or any agendas or minutes. No list of who’s on their board. No list of properties they’re dealing with.
Other land bank authorities are not so secretive. A few examples found in 10 seconds of googling:
Which makes me wonder: what is our Land Bank Authority hiding? Let’s all help Barbara find out!
Short Link:
I see you posted my comment from your post. Reference your questons: I know LAKE doesn’t take official stands, but we do teamwork on mutual interests. You are correct on other land bank authorities being more open as the law requires. I will call Myra tomorrow to see what info I can get. I saw Larry Hanson today, but did not think to ask him. I will get pictures of the Dupont site tomorrow & an address if it is on the construction permit. It is located south of Hwy 84 on St. Augustine Rd. about where my black horseshoer lived when the road was all dirt. I remember if I rode there on a Sunday he would be dressed up in his church suit, but he would still work on my horse’s feet. We had some good talks and I miss him. Does that age me or what?
Yep, we’re all in it together.
Age? I just hope my hair never turns gray.