Dawn Castro wrote for the VDT yesterday:
He also said:“We do have one of the best communities,” Tucker said. “The toughest part of me standing before you is knowing how much better we could be if all the little groups would work together.”
“I am still blessed to have my dad with me,” Tucker began. “He always asks me, ‘Where have you been?’ and ‘Did you do any good?’Here are a few good things Jerome Tucker has done recently:
Opportunities from solar power —Jerome Tucker and MAGE SOLAR at LHS, 29 March 2011
Jerome Tucker explained that there are jobs to be developed in south Georgia for solar power, in distribution, installation, and related industry.
- Then Jerome Tucker helped form the Renewable Energy Network at Opportunity Central.
- If you ever need a model of how to give a speech, there’s this one by Jerome Tucker at the October LCBOE forum on school consolidation: That was the best speech I’ve ever heard around here: the voice of experience, with facts at his command and fire in the belly.
Before that he’d summed it up at a VBOE forum in one question:
What makes the Chamber of Commerce better qualified than professional educators?
Maybe now we can move on and get all the little groups to work together.
Short Link:
VDT “What We Think” about Jerome Tucker: http://valdostadailytimes.com/opinion/x1331368786/The-full-time-season-of-giving