“We initially wanted to go out and target corporate greed and get the corporations out of the government. There needs to be a separation.”You can see it here, thanks to Michael Noll:
Erin Hurley
Occupy Valdosta event coordinator.
Y’all come:
“Basically, we want to exercise our right to peaceably assemble,” said Hurley, “We want everyone to join in and let their voice be heard. I feel a lot of people have lost that sense of freedom we once had.”Meet at Drexel Park before noon. The VDT got the route wrong, but just come along and you’ll get there. If you aren’t able to walk a few miles, head directly to the Chamber of Commerce around 1:30 PM, and we’ll meet you there a bit later.
Yes, I’m one of the organizers, in case I haven’t said that before. Here’s the Facebook event.
I’d like to add my usual plug for the VDT, which I’ve also made when speaking at numerous local government meetings. I criticize our local newspaper as much as anybody else, but lately they’ve been doing some real investigative reporting and they’ve helped a lot with local government transparency. Sure, there are things they still need to cover more, such as especially the Quitman 10, and we need to keep after them about that. So let’s encourage them by everybody buying a copy of today’s paper, and if you can afford it, buy a subscription.
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