Tuesday evening, going beyond
the research it had already published,
Dr. Troy Davis took CUEE’s own figures for how much more consolidation would
require to be spent per each Valdosta City school student,
and demonstrated that not only would that
require raising taxes for both
Valdosta and Lowndes County residents to near the state-capped maximum
of 21 mils, but even then there is no way enough tax revenue would be
generated to pay for all the things CUEE proposes to do after consolidation,
and probably not even enough taxes to continue employing all the teachers
currently employed by the two school systems.
Oh, plus consolidation would lose state and federal grant money by
increasing the composite school system size, so the local taxpayers
would have to make up that slack, too.
Jerome Tucker, on fire as a cheerleader, spelled out his life-long
in every facet of local industry plus his involvement in both school systems,
including in
Community Partners in Education (CPIE) since its inception
CUEE’s Walter Hobgood didn’t even know what CPIE was).
Then Jerome stated from his personal experience:
Folks, the truth is, I have never, never, been asked whether I’ve got one system or two. Never! I have never asked anyone whether they have one system or two.
Fred Wetherington (my school board member) related how the consolidation idea started at the Chamber when he was there and how it seemed like a good idea at the time, but when he looked at the actual research, it became clear that consolidation would not improve education, would not reduce expenses, and would not bring in more industry, so now he opposes it.
Most of the Valdosta School Board and its superintendent were there. I didn’t see any of the CUEE board, although CUEE supporter Roy Taylor stood up and asked a question. Unlike CUEE’s selection from written questions, LCBOE let people come to the microphone and ask their own questions. Plenty of FVCS and other anti-consolidation people were in there, and some asked questions.
Where was CUEE? Why can’t they hold their own in an open discussion? Maybe because they don’t do their homework and the school boards do?
Those are a few highlights. Videos will follow.
Short Link:
CUEE has staked their efforts on catch phrases & false promises that look & sound good. All of their info is at best a half truth. The promises that are imposible to keep are lies. I was raised believing a promise broken is a truth untold, which is a lie. Unfortunately this tactic will work for today’s lazy voters who won’t even take the time to go to a website where the true facts are posted much less do their own research. Surely don’t ask them to leave the comfort of their homes & entertainment & personal addictions to attend any public meetings on either side when they should be visiting both sides at least once. They are part of the convenient idiot masses that facilitate take overs by the clever greedy for money & power few. Both school boards and their supporters have done a great job of researching to produce true evidence that dissolves all the CUEE false rhetoric & print. We cannot assume that truth will prevail because it is much easier to believe the fast sell that requires no personal effort. CUEE is banking on this. Most of the school consolidations that have occurred had many that were shocked when they passed because they did not account for the money/power ruses of the facilitators working so well with the lazy voter public. Many will not even show up claiming they have no stake since they have no children in either system. They are too lazy to check the researched facts to see they will be paying higher taxes for a handicapped unified system.