Mike Morrison wrote for Jacksonville.com 4 August 2011, 14 dogs die from heatstroke at Waycross kennel; cooling fans pledged
And on 10 August he wrote, Waycross shelter where dogs died now has electricity, cool airThe heat has killed dogs at the Waycross animal shelter because the kennel isn’t wired to power fans, but a city official said Wednesday that help is on the way.
Okefenokee Humane Society shelter manager Ben Hood said 14 dogs have died of heatstroke in the past three months, including a 7-month-old black Lab that died Wednesday.
“We’ve had record high temperatures this year,” Hood said, “but we don’t have any fans in the kennel because we don’t have any electricity out there.”
A Waycross animal shelter where dogs might have died of heat-related illnesses has been wired for electricity now and fans are blowing in the kennel.Hm, it’s like local governments pay attention to bad press.Shelter manager Ben Hood said his phone started ringing almost as soon as a Times-Union story describing the problem came out Thursday.
The city followed through on a promise to finish wiring the 140-by-40-foot kennel, Hood said. Donations began to roll in to help fund the cash-strapped shelter that houses strays collected by the city and Ware County as well unwanted animals brought in by individuals.
The city has been particularly helpful, Hood said.
“After the story came out, it was a mad rush,” he said. “I’ve never seen so many people out here on this site.”
City workers were mowing the lawn as well as wiring the kennel, Hood said.
You know, if they stuck some solar panels on top of the kennels, those would provide power for fans when it’s most needed. Some clever solar vendor or installer could get some free advertising with a small donation.
PS: Owed to Gretchen and Terry, who each independently suggested this story.
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This is a very sad thing… to many times people depend on typical electricity when there are other sources of energy. It tragic that this even had to happen! Unfortunately all of us are aware of the economic crunch some towns and even bigger towns are in. These buildings that are housing live animals should be monitored weekly. What I am a little miffed at is why weren’t the cries for help put out there in the public before lives were lost. I am not sure if people are aware of how horrible it is for an animal to die from heat stoke! It starts with heavy panting them the tongue dries out, then they roar from the throat, then the white of the eyes the vessels begin to burst, then they start to produce a heavy white foam from the mouth and nose… it’s a horrific death, where were the hoses and where was the vet and on and on… it’s not acceptable in any way shape or form!
Susan Leavens
And the reality of this situation is that the Ga. Department of Agriculture Animal Protection should be charged with their part in the deaths of these dogs.
A shelter without electricity should have never been allowed to be licensed, to begin with.
In Ga. Ag Animal Protection’s Rules/Regulations:
Indoor temps (where live animals are housed) must be maintained no lower than 45 degrees and no higher than 85 degrees. That would be next to impossible in south Ga when a building has no working electricity. The law does not allow for “frozen water bottles” as a means of temperature control – as that would not control ambient temperature.
The Ga.Ag Inspector for Lowndes County needs to shoulder a good portion of blame for this situation.
And, equally, the Shelter Director – and/or county Board of Commissioners, who is listed as the Ag Animal Shelter license holder.
Winter time will be here soon – are they going to haphazardly hook up space heaters (with long extension cords that wild animals can wander up at night and chew on) and let them run all night – i.e. potential fire hazard?
This shelter needs placing on a “Stop Movement” until it is in FULL compliance with state regulations regarding the housing of live animals in this state.
Sources: Ga. Ag. Animal Protection Rules/Regulations:
(2)“Adequate temperature control” means indoor housing facilities for pets are sufficiently heated and/or cooled when necessary to protect the animals from excessive heat or from chilling, freezing or from any physical damage. Except for equines, the ambient temperatures should not be allowed to fall below 45F degrees or rise above 85F degrees, for animals that are not acclimated.
(14) “Humane care” of animals means, but is not limited to, the provision of adequate heat, ventilation, sanitary shelter, and wholesome and adequate food and water, consistent with the normal requirements and feeding habits of the animal’s size, species, and breed. Inhumane care includes any act, omission, or neglect, which causes unjustifiable physical pain, suffering, or death to any living animal.
(16) “Indoor housing facility” for the purposes of this chapter, means an establishment within the interior of a building wherein all activity is conducted for which the license is issued.
(21) “Outdoor housing establishment” for the purposes of this chapter, means an establishment outside a building and in the open air.
(9) The Commissioner may refuse to issue or renew or may suspend or revoke a license on any one or more of the following grounds:
(a) material misstatement in the application for the original license or in the application for the renewal license under this chapter;
(b) willful disregard or violation of any rule or regulation of this chapter;
(c) willful aiding or abetting another in any violation of this chapter;
(d) allowing a license issued under this chapter to be used by an unlicensed person;
(e) violation of any law of this state or any rule of the Commissioner related to the disposition of, dealing in, or handling of dogs, cats, equine, and other pets;
(f) making substantial misrepresentations or false promises in connection with the business or activity of a licensee under this chapter;
(g) pursuing a continued course of making misrepresentations or false promises through advertising, salesmen, agents, or otherwise in connection with the business or activity of a licensee;
(h) failure to possess the necessary qualifications or meet the requirements for the issuance or holding of a license;
(i) failure to provide proper facilities.
(k) Shelter from rain, snow or cold: Pets maintained in outdoor housing establishments must be provided with access to suitable shelter to remain dry during rain or snow and protect them from wind and excessive heat or cold. Sufficient and clean bedding material or other reasonable means of protection from the weather elements must be provided.
(l) Shelter from sunlight: When sunlight is likely to cause overheating or suffering, sufficient shade must be provided to allow all pets protection from the direct effects of the sun.
Source Url: http://agr.georgia.gov/Data/Sites/1/media/ag_animalindustry/animal_protection/files/animalcontrol/animalprotectionrules40-13-13.doc