In his County Manager report, Joe Pritchard announced the first first lunch and learn, which will be a discussion of general government, noon ’til 1PM, 11 August 2011, second floor of administrative complex.
“The lunch and learn program will take various topics, and allow the public toCounty Clerk Paige Dukes will be conducting this first meeting.meet for an hour, ask questions, interact on those particular topics.”
Commissioner Crawford Powell
how many people would be in the room.
Paige Dukes said 30 people.
Powell asked for that information to be posted to the county’s website.
She said she would.
He asked for a larger room, if necessary, such as council chambers.
She said one goal was to keep it small so as to encourage interaction.
If she’s put it on the county website, I can’t find it, not on the front page, not on the County Clerk’s page, and not in the calendar.
Pritchard also recognized intern James Pogue. (That’s my guess at the spelling; nothing written was displayed.)
“He’s assisted both planning, engineering — almost every department in some way.”
Finally, Pritchard said the county had received some estimates for resurfacing on Snake Nation Road, but he needed some time to organize funding before presenting details.
Here’s the video:
Lunch and Learn —Joe Pritchard @ LCC 26 July 2011
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 26 July 2011.
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.
Short Link:
Lunch with Pritchard? Don’t mind if I do.