City Council rules on public participation at meetings…they could allow comments at the time of an agenda item if they chose to do that….
Valdosta, Georgia, Code of Ordinances >> PART II – CODE OF ORDINANCES >> Chapter 2 – ADMINISTRATION >> ARTICLE II. – MAYOR AND COUNCIL >> DIVISION 1. – GENERALLY >> Sec. 2-47. – Public participation.
Public participation in meetings of the city council shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of this section.
-Jane F. Osborn, MSSW
- Public comments. An agenda item of the meeting shall be reserved for comments from the public. All members of the public who wish to address the council must submit their name and address and the topic of their comments to the city clerk at least three business days before the council meeting. These individuals will be allotted five minutes to make their comments, and their comments must be limited to their chosen topic. These limits can be waived at the discretion of the mayor.
- Public participation on agenda items. By a majority vote, the council may allow public comment on an agenda item at the time the item is being considered by the council. These comments must be limited to the subject that is being debated. Members of the public may speak for five minutes and may only speak once. These limits may be waived by a majority vote of the council. Anyone wishing to speak at any council meeting must be recognized by the mayor before addressing the council.
- Decorum. Members of the public shall not make inappropriate or offensive comments at a council meeting and are expected to comply with the rules of decorum that are established for councilmembers. Individuals who violate any rules of the council may be ruled out of order by the mayor or on a point of order made by a councilmember. A majority vote of the council will rule on the point of order. An individual who violates the rules of decorum may be removed from the meeting at the direction of the mayor.
- Public hearings. The council may schedule public hearings for the purpose of soliciting public comment on any subject of interest to the council. Hearings may be held immediately prior to or following a meeting of the council or at such other places and times as the council may determine. No official action shall be taken at any such public hearing.
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