This was Ruby, she was seized from her owner by me because she had a hole in her back and her body condition was a one (1) on the Henneke scale per the American veterinarian standard rating scale. There was no feed or grass/hay on scene. While in the protective custody of Lowndes County Animal Shelter she got maggots in the wound on her back. Ruby also had
rain rott, which is a fungus. It was never treated until myself and Officer Ronnie Ganas found her in this condition in the back pasture. We treated and bathed her daily on our lunch hour. Ruby was seen by the veterinarian Dr. Ali Thornhill on the scene and again several time while she was at the shelter and the shelter director Linda Patelski was instructed that the wound on her back
needed to be cleaned daily and treated, the horse was put out in the back pasture and never treated, Maggots gathered in the wound on her back. Ruby never got better and was later euthanised after she started loosing weight. When I would clean the wound there was no type of anti bacterial soap or antiseptics at the shelter, I cleaned the would with
baby shampoo and flushed with wound with baby shampoo and treated it with hemorrhoid cream for humans . And we cleaned the fungus (rain rott) on her body with Skin so Soft that was donated for another horse the shelter had.
-Susan Leavens
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I wanted to add the the owner of this horse was found guilty in state court and HE was prosecuted for what he did to her… the shelter however has never gotten in trouble for what happened to her there while in there protective custody!! No animal should have big fat maggots in their wound while in the protectice cusdody of any SHELTER!! IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!! Humane care shall be given at all times!! There were instructions from the vet, they just were not followed!
Susan Leavens
And I want to add your Dept of AG statement said a vet was never called so which story is correct?
This is a different horse… the horse that laid in the back of the shelter for 3 days was turned in by its owner… I confiscated this horse from the owner how I might added was prosecuted in state court.
Susan Leavens :)