Miss Kitty was Lowndes County’s “shelter cat” she free roamed our shelter for more then 7 years, around the beginning of 2010 she started loosing her hair and chewing holes in herself.. and hiding from everyone. She was loosing more hair and bleeding all over paper work and counter where people came to ask about adoptions, she then was stuffed in a dog create with towels
draped around it so people “public” could not see her. After “6” months Linda had a blood test run on her at Dr. Timothy Thornhills, the blood was drawn from her jugular view. Several months pasted and I inquired about the test results and was told by Michelle Shultz “the testing cost 30 dollars she (Linda) said she was not paying for it” so… more months past and in the later part of 2010 Dr. Sosa came to the shelter and said she would do the blood work for free and treat her for free. Missy Kitty was taken to Dr. Sosaoffice in lake park and left for approx. 7 days. It was determined through the testing that she had some type of staph infection. Missy Kitty was dipped and bathed daily while there and put on antibiotics “liquid” that was to be administered 1 time daily. After her short vacation she returned to the shelter, her sores were dying up and she began greeting people again :) within two weeks she displayed her “hiding style again” when I found her she was hiding behind the copy machine in the ACO’s Office. She had these wounds in the photo all over her she was now even chewing her feet… Linda had numerous times locked the medicine in her office over the weekend and missy Kitty was not able to receive her meds. She became so isolated we never saw her
other then on night calls after hours is the only time she would be allowed out of her “Home Again dog Create” because she was atroshis to look at and oozed a blood discharge all the time”! When Linda remembered to give her the meds it would be sporadic at best. After the meds ran out “she Linda” googled a “likeness medication off the Internet” and missy kitty was again “given meds that were not advised by a vet” her situation was never corrected. Dr. Thornhill came is a bout a month ago an advised Linda that she either had to euthenise
missy Kitty or release her to a rescue, she was turned over to the American Animal Foundation “Nichole Childers” the cat had/has to stay in her possession for 3 months before she could be considered “adoptable” she also had an infestation of tape worms. Another chapter for the Lowndes County Animal Services “inhumane treatment”! If she (Linda Patelski) does not care about the Shelter Cat… what makes people believe she would care about theirs. The Photos were taken on Jan. 27th 2011 at 9:40 am if you look on the American Animal Foundation web page it gives the date she was turned over to rescue which was not until after I went to the GDA and it came out in the paper.
-Susan Leavens
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