“And it was time for the abuse, neglect and deceitfulness to stop.”
Susan Leavens stated:
“On 4/28/2010 I came in from checking traps around 1030 am, I was told while euthenizing a cat, the syringe I was draw pentosol out didn’t matter what mattered was the 10cc syringe, so if it was not enough to euthenize the animal then set it aside it would die. But the 10cc one is the one that needed to come out right. I said “WHAT!” Tim Cook explained that to me he went and got Ryan Curtis and he explained the very same thing, he said even if you don’t have a full cc of pentosol, say it’s a cc on the log because the 10 cc syringe mattered not what we were using to euthenize with! It was very apparent that human[e] euthanasia was not important that the numbers were. This was very disturbing to know we were being made to make the animals suffer because the numbers might be off!”In the statement she names multiple people she says were witnesses to the falsification of euthanization log entries, and even to the complete rewrite of a log and shredding of the previous copy.
Her statement also describes:
a horse with boils that lay in its own feces and urine for 3 days without seeing a veterinarian
- 2 pot belly pigs that were castrated and their tusks cut with no pain medications antibiotics, “screaming so loud it hurt my ears,” and with maggots in their wounds two days later
- a cat smothered by an employee “”No need for that…if it can’t breath it will die!””
- a kitten strangled, “I use to think I was going to go to hell for what I witnessed in that shelter!”
- a dog stabbed in the eye with a needle
- a meeting with Joe Pritchard in which “we all were informed if one more person came to the administration building we would all be fired, he would keep Linda, Michelle and Kay, get inmates to clean the shelter and rehire more employees!”
- a veterinarian saying drugs had been improperly dispensed, “”who signed this thing?””
- a veterinarian saying “he had a visit from the DEA and things were going to change at the shelter.”
- trying to get in touch with Ashley Paulk after he was elected County Chairman and that taking several weeks
repeated racial discrimination against
a pair of African-American men who wanted to adopt a puppy.
“On feb 29th the puppy was hidden again from the same African American men. On March 1st the puppy was put back into the adoption room it was adopted by white people.”
- beating and slapping of animals
- a shelter attendant throwing a live dog at another employee
She concluded:
“Animal Control Officers has been threaten to be fired for following chain of command to discuss the problems with up officals. Shelter Attendant and Animal Control Officers have been threaten by county officals in the past when they would attempt to talk about the problems at hand. They where told that if they can not get along down there they would shut the shelter down and fire everyone. Staff are afraid of get fired.”She also wrote:
I decided the cards would fall where they may… I was going to do the right thing even if it cost me my job! I have meet with every local person and still not seen any results from it. And it was time for the abuse, neglect and deceitfulness to stop.

What do you think?
Short Link:
Gotta love the Pritchard also said that he didn’t believe anyone acted with malicious intent.
Now, now folks – I’m guessing they wanted this to stay pushed up under the proverbial “Sssshhhh” rug……
I’m sure Mr. Joe did find “bias” in those complaining –
I’m ‘biased’, too – anytime an animal is abused, neglected or otherwise treated in a less than humane manner, I’m biased as all get out against the person(s) allegedly responsible.
But I’m just as “biased” against county officials who would rather blame the complainant than address the complaint.
Hmmm first it was investigated by the DEA, then the Ga Dept of Ag, then the county, PETA was contacted, the Humane Society was contacted, now the Sheriff’s dept at what point does this become harassment. Personally I’m beginning to think this is a bunch of crap, let’s shop around for the results we want. Maybe the people making the accusation aren’t reliable
Who said it was being investiated by the Sheriffs dept? Concerned Citizen… it appears you also have a defensive attitude and thats ok I understand. HOWEVER GDA is a reglatory agency… not an investigative/prosecuting agency (Ithink thats obvious with there pass fail paper work)! I am very reliable and so are the other people who have written statements ;)Personaly… I have been threatened, along with other employees, and the humane society… its not that theres not enough evidence.. its because they wanted up to be quit… shhhhh I have a memo stating such. And its obvious your in the catagory of “Its just and animal how cares” again… PAPER WORK DOESN’T LIE, the only thing is this is a reoccuring problem huh its your opinion and your allowed to have it!
I assure you if one “citizen” in Lowndes County would have commited one of the offensives in my statement they would have been punished to the fullest extent of the law… I guess it just makes a difference of you live in Lowndes or work for Lowndes!
Susan Leavens :)
Yes paperwork does make a difference, that’s why people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
i apologize if my information is incorrect, so you are saying charges have NOT been filed with the Lowndes County Sheriffs department?
If anyone wants to catch up on what’s been posted before about the animal shelter, click on the animals topic over on the right side of the blog:
Regarding the sheriff’s office, put sheriff in the search box and press search and you’ll find this:
and this:
The information listed in your “memo’s” are merely information stated by you or someone else. Just simply because you have a “memo” with this information in it does NOT make it factual. It is merely comments voiced, whether they be truth or fiction. As far as the events stated in the articles that I have read and knowing the employees at the animal shelter, I know full well that no abuse has ever been committed, unless it was done by the individual voicing all the allegations. Maybe she is trying to redirect attention away from her? Maybe she is a “disgruntled employee” because she was transferred to another department and was unable to obtain the job positions from prior employees that she personally had a hand in firing. It’s easy to get people to side with you when you “appear” to have an animals best interests at heart and make false allegations that these employees did these things in an attempt to avenge the fact you didn’t get the job position you wanted. May God have mercy on you and hopefully give your soul peace in order that you can live in peace and happiness. You obviously are a very angry and unhappy person. I feel sorry for you.
Once again its the same ole thing, some people need to get a life, its ok to back someone for what you beleive in, but only after you get all the facts, the people investigating have the facts, but all you people jumping on the band wagon,it makes no sense, you cant blame, accuse, or hate someone if u dont GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GO DOWN THERE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, DONT PLAN IT JUST GO DOWN THERE.I mean they dont have enough people, but those folks down there are working hard, if you got employees always on the injured reserve list, you cant get any work done,they have 4 PEOPLE INSIDE THE SHELTER, AND 2 OFFICERS TO WORK THE WHOLE COUNTY, I MEAN THATS, DASHER, HAHIRA, REMERTON, LAKE PARK, NAYLOR,and every other pothole and sewer main in lowndes county, I MEAN STOP COMPLAINING AND GET DOWN THERE AND HELP, VOLUNTEER, HELP WITH ADOPTIONS, GO TO PETSMART AND HELP THAT YOUNG LADY THAT WORKS OVER THERE FROM THE ANIMAL SHELTER, DOES A WONDERFUL JOB, if u dont wanna see the animals in the shelter GO on down and help, WE NEED THE ANIMAL SHELTER HERE GET INVOLVED MAKE IT THE BEST AT LEAST THE STATE OF GEORGIA, COME ON PEOPLE QUIT COMPLAINING AND GET OFF YOUR ASS. LIKE I SAID BEFORE THOUGH GET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER BEFORE YOU MESS WITH SOMEONE ELSES. FIX YOUR DAMN COUNTY,CAN YOU IMAGINE THE CRUELTY IN THE SMALLER COUNTYS THAT THE 2 MAJOR COMPLAINERS LIVE IN.
The people running this blog are talking about corrupt goverment, they are on the sam e page as the ones they are accusing, CAUSE I DONT SEE THINGS THE WAY THEY DO, I AM A SOCK PUPPET,you can call me what you want, i know a hell of alot more about whats going on than any of you, you can say what you want about me, THOSE ARE ALL ACCUSATIONS, GOOD PEOPLE DOWN THERE , DEAL WITH IT AND MOVE ON, THIS BLOG IS ONLY FOR ANYONE AGAINST GOVERNMENT, YOU CANT GO AGAINST, you cant beat em join em, NO THANKS, THIS IS MY LAST POST, SAY WHAT YOU WANT,HAVE A GOOD LIFE ON THE ONE SIDED BLOG, if they dont like you they look at your email address and try to make you out to be what they are, corrupt.have a nice life, saving the world.
I agree with you, I thought this was America where you are innocent till proven guilty. As far as I know, nobody has been formally charged in this case but most of the people here act like they are guilty because of the accusations of a couple of people, they say they have evidence but the only evidence I have seen is their statements. The statements of a couple of individuals does not make them guilty that is for the courts to decide.
Dear shouting citizen, anybody can post pretty much anything here, but when you pretend to be several people and you’re not, that makes you a sock puppet.
Dear concerned, the only previous use of the word “guilty” in comments about the animal shelter was regarding a horse owner found guilty in state court. As for evidence regarding the shelter, perhaps you missed this post:
No I did not miss that post, but still nobody has been formally charged and everybody is acting like they are the scum of the earth. Maybe you should read the comments to the posts on your forum. The last I checked you are innocent till proven guilty and there are a lot of comments on this site that employees should be fired, and they are taking the the word of one employee who I might add sounds like a disgruntled employee as gospel with no proof.
I am tried of this mess get another job and move on if you where so tried of the mess going on why did you wait 5 years to come forward seems to me as you are upset about something that did not go your way. If I seen cruety from day one I would have quick my job then not try to screw my way to the top, I guess since your boss is a woman it didn’t work this time. Good luck with you new job all trash need to be together and you do not want to know who I am have been waiting for this moment to tell you how I feel.
Well, Ms. Leavens. It appears are others on to your little ruse. Looks like you need to get a life and move on. Not to mention as a couple posts further up stated, if you were aware of this for 5 years and did nothing……..doesn’t that make you as guilty as the ones you are accusing? Hmmm….. Food for thought.
“Others” ?
“Others” meaning the various posts (under different names, or course) that are mere minutes apart from one another?
Hmmm….. Food for thought, indeed.
could the posts be by people who reside in the same household? separate entities that use the same email? no, i am sure that everyone has different ip addresses, and can afford different servers…why is it made to seem that EVERYONE is corrupt? there may be a reason for the different names…or i suppose they could be crooked, why not ask rather than accuse? or does the truth not really matter?
JSQ, dont call me names, because my family wants to use my computer as well as me, we all are lifetime citizens,im not rich like you, im far from a sock puppet, you love people like leavens because she put her name on a post, why dont you check her out,like your checking everyone else,either way, it does not matter because the sock puppets do the work, the puppet masters as they seem to be, only complain, sounds like you like doing that.Why dont you get off your duff and use your time wisely, fix the problems instead of complaining.Never see you down at the animal shelter helping out,stop complainingdrop the puppet strings and grab a litter pan, pick up some poop, instead of spreading all the BULL S–T. Y ou and leavens and this ganas guy need to get a life, live it, do something productive, like the previous person said you cant screw your way to the top, sometimes you actually have to work.
Like I have said I have nothing to hide whateveer name you choose to hide behind. You can call them what you want, say as you wish, I have not said any name in any of these blogs or said anything derogatory about anyone nor will I. You can have your opinion but your not even talking about the actual issue your only attacking me and if it makes you feel better then have at it. I know your irritated and thats ok too. I have nothing to hide, you can say what ever you please… if your anger because I told then so be it, but the blog postings are about the issues (or should be atleast) but it seems your more incline to try to discredit those od US who tried to do the right thing. Its ok it will all come out in the end. CRUELTY-NEGLECT-INHUMANE TREATMENT its all in there. I will stand by what I said…sorry I will not fall for the slander and what not your addressing at me personally it doesn’t bother me. My interest are only in getting this matter moving forward.
Susan Leavens :)
so if there is not enough “evidence” to charge or convict those you are alleging to have done these heinous things, you will admit you were mistaken? the burden of proof lies with you, and i hope it IS there, but if not i again ask are you willing to admit YOU were wrong??? if a court finds them not guilty are you willing to acknowledge that or will you merely cry foul yet again and try to prosecute them through state, federal or other ways?
There is no anger coming from me, putting large caps, does not mean anger,and as far as name calling, i am now a sock puppet by the people that claim to support you, i state my opinion and, my family members do the same, and your supporter starts the name calling, ms leavens your still going up the chain of command as you stated before, im trying to figure out what your trying to accomplish, when will it all end, if the cruelty at the shelter was so bad why did you take the animals to the shelter,you have a lot of supporters here, HUMANE SOCIETY, they could have helped by getting the vet care out to where the animals were, im sure if they put there funds up the vet would have taken and treated the animals, all the stuff your accusing people of, it seems like you set them up, so you could get this stuff started, between you and the other guy neither one of you could not save the animals from the county shelter, we all know those animals were in better care than being where they were, why are you gonna pick up all these animals and take them some place that you claim they will be tortured, beaten, stabbed, please. all lies, but like you said the man upstairs will deal with you later, in the end, he knows who is telling the truth, and we all make mistakes sometimes, and he is a forgiving god, remember that.
Like Ms. Leavens, I have very little tolerance for people that choose to abuse or neglect animals.
And I don’t much care “who” the alleged abuser may or may not be – that’s not why I choose to speak out. What matters if that IF those stray/unwanted animals are in the temporary (and most times, final) custody of any person, or persons, who may not be providing them with the humane care that they are afforded, per state law – and/or abusing them, which is against state law – then the legal process should be allowed to move forward to determine the outcome.
It is my understanding, from numerous sources, that it was at the county level where the brakes were put on regarding this case. i.e. alleged threats and intimidation, employees getting transferred to other departments, etc.
As with my low tolerance for animal cruelty, I have equal low tolerance for county or state govt. corruption.