Tucked away at the end of David Rodock’s 8 June 2011 article about a special called VLCIA meeting is this tidbit:
You wouldn’t know that by looking at VLCIA’s own meeting schedule web page, which shows no change from the regular schedule. That page also still says this:Board members changed the date of their next meeting to June 14 at 5:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
All Meetings will be held at 5:30pm in the Industrial Authority Conference Room, 2110 N. Patterson Street, unless otherwise notified.So maybe that’s where it is, or maybe not. Maybe it’s possible to determine the time or the location, but not both. Valdosta-Lowndes County Heisenberg Authority.
I would post an agenda, if they made them publicly available before their meetings, which they still do not. They should have quite a collection of agendas and minutes to approve Tuesday, given how many special called meetings they’ve had lately.
Short Link:
No Biomass Clause
Although we recently celebrated the death of the biomass project as a major health concern was eliminated from our community, we now are faced with the prospect of Wiregrass Power/Sterling Planet buying the land for the proposed biomass site for a mere $200,000 dollars. We at Wiregrass Activists for Clean Energy (WACE) are obviously opposed to a biomass plant in our community for the stated health risks that it would pose. For this reason, we ask that the purchase agreement contain a NO BIOMASS clause to prevent this ill from entering our community.
Since the VLCIA owns the land for the biomass plant, we the taxpayers essentially own the land and as the owners, our concerns should be upheld in the sale of this property. It is remarkable that the sale price is over $200,000 below the purchase price. At this reduced price, specific demands on the part of the seller would be expected. Wiregrass Power has made no improvements on the land to date. Yet VLCIA has spent over $115,000 in due diligence to promote this project. All in all, we the tax payer will loose money and demand that the purchase agreement include a NO BIOMASS clause, which will more than compensate the community by valuing our continued health and the benefits of clean air.
Because we all value the economic health of this community and want to see that Valdosta-Lowndes County is seen in the best light by those outside our community in various capacities. We see a NO BIOMASS clause in the purchase agreement of the property by Wiregrass Power/ Sterling Planet as the very best option for ALL involved.
As you are all aware the American Lung Association opposes biomass incineration because of the health consequences it causes for young children, for elderly and for individuals suffering from asthma & COPD. Our Georgia Chapter of the ALA clearly stated that this proposed plant would be detrimental to the health of the children in the nearby schools & the residents of the area. The American Cancer Society indicates that the proposed biomass plant would increase cancer rates in our community by 3-7%. The American Heart Association has found that Particulate Matter emitted from the plant would cause new cases of asthma in our community, affecting children & those that participate in recreation or work outdoors, especially.
Biomass is bad for the health of our community for many reasons and we can avoid all the adverse consequences by including a simple NO BIOMASS clause in the purchase agreement with Wiregrass Power/ Sterling Planet.
Karen Noll