Date: Friday, May 13, 2011, 8:07 PM
All –
I wanted to share the attached council district map changes with all of you. This map shows in the dark lines the existing city council districts. The color area shows the changes.
As you can see my district, which is purple will change some as a result of the census numbers. District 5 is giving up a little on the south border to District 6 and picking up on the eastern middle borders from District 4. The target average was 9084 citizens per district based off of the city wide count of 54,518. District 5 will end up with a little more than that, but within the margin allowed by the census department.
I have enjoyed representing those that will move to district 6,
Robert Yost’s district. Those that will join the district later this year… I welcome you and am available for any questions or concerns. As always my goal is to be accessible and responsive to the needs and concerns of the citizens of not only district 5, but the city as a whole.The map is entitled “City of Valdosta – Proposed Council Districts with overlay of Current Districts”.City council will have its’ first official reading of these changes at next week’s meeting. It will have a final reading and adoption during our June meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Councilman Tim Carroll
Valdosta City Council, District 5
City Of Valdosta
P.O. Box 1125
216 E. Central Ave.
Valdosta, GA 31603
Valdosta…A City Without Limits
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