From: “Schneider, Vincent H”
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 12:15:18
To: Schneider, Vincent H,
Subject: Schneider: County Engineer: Foxborough Subdivision StreetsCommissioner Raines,
I hope your day is going well. I’m spending half this afternoon with the dentist getting a permanent crown installed and the other half with my wife’s kidney doctor. Life must truck on regardless of the Foxborough McDonalds issue.
Sir, twice I made statements to you in regards to County Engineer, Mr. Mike Fletcher. I now wish to present my position in writing. My first statement was during our first phone conversation on 18 May 2011. During that conversation I rather colorfully stated
that itHere’s the passage from the 12 July 2010 work session minutes:was my opinion that Mr. Fletcher misrepresented to the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners and the citizens in attendance of the Lowndes County Board Of Commissioners Work Session of Monday, July 12, 2010, the preliminary plan for ingress and egress of the Foxborough Subdivision McDonalds. Mr. Fletcher stated to the board that the ingress and egress of the Foxborough Subdivision McDonalds would be off of Foxborough Boulevard. This statement would lead all to conclude that the McDonalds would not be built where it is currently being built, but instead on the other side of Mom and Dad’s Italian restaurant.
At the time of this meeting, not many people to include at least one Lowndes County Commissioner knew much of the proposed Foxborough Subdivision McDonalds. The preliminary plan to my knowledge and the data I’d collected at the time though did not include nor mention Foxborough Boulevard. Therefore, I believe Mr. Fletcher, who was one of a handful of people that was in the know of the proposed Foxborough Subdivision McDonalds at the time, through misrepresentation effectively deflated before the board and the citizens in attendance my objection to the Foxborough Subdivision McDonalds.
The second reference I made concerning County Engineer Mr. Mike Fletcher is closely associated with the first. In an email I sent you on 25 May 2011 I stated:
“Nearly a year ago I made this argument (referring to the ingress and egress of the Foxborough McDonalds) before the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners and Commissioner Lee directed the County Engineer, Mr. Mike Fletcher to look into it. I never received an answer from Commissioner Lee or Mr. Fletcher.”
I believe that the reason my argument was not correctly answered is because of Mr. Fletcher’s misrepresentation of the ingress and egress of the Foxborough Subdivision McDonalds before the Board of Commissioners. I believe his statement effectively closed the issue, therefore it was not necessary to provide me an answer, or a correct answer.
Therefore, it is my wish that Lowndes County takes under consideration an examination/reexamination of all aspects concerning the ingress and egress of the Foxborough Subdivision McDonalds to include all road/street designation and permissible usage as criteria, projected traffic pattern surveys, distances between ingress/egress points and points of possible contention such as with its residential neighbors and highway 41 (North Valdosta Rd.), etc….
In support of this position I have attached a link to the Lowndes County Board Of Commissioners Work Session Minutes of Monday, July 12, 2010.
With Sincerest Respects,
Vincent H. Schneider
4608 Foxborough Ave
Valdosta GA 31602
Vince Schneider, 4608 Foxborough Avenue, addressed the Commission regarding his concerns surrounding plans for a new McDonald’s to be located at the entrance to Foxborough subdivision. Mr. Schneider stated that he understood the property was zoned prior to homes being built and requested that the Commission consider rezoning the property. Mr. Schneider also expressed concerns related to noise, traffic and infrastructure. Commissioner Lee asked County Engineer, Mike Fletcher, to address the site plan for the development. Mr. Fletcher stated that the preliminary plan indicates ingress and egress off of Foxborough Boulevard and North Valdosta Road. Commissioner Lee asked Mr. Fletcher to verify that the road could handle possible heavy truck traffic. Chairman Paulk asked if the necessary easements were preexisting, to which Mr. Fletcher replied yes. Chairman Paulk thanked Mr. Schneider for bringing his concerns before the Commission, adding that the Commission could notHere’s what the VDT and I wrote about it the next day.rezone the property; however, staff would ensure that all regulations were followed in accordance with existing ordinances.
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