There’s more in the story about other foods available in the market.Last weekend Lenny’s Market marked opened for the summer season, showcasing fresh local produce and much more well into the fall. On Saturday some early offerings were available by a few local producers, including William and Lydia Overholt and their daughter Eunice. The Overholts own Willso Farm Bakery and Eggs in Montezuma and have been selling at Lenny’s Market for the past three years.
“We like to be here every week, Saturdays mostly,” William said.
The Overholts arrived around 7:30 a.m. with fresh picked Vidalia type onions, beets, romaine lettuce, cabbage and zucchini, ready to sell.
“They’re picked the day before we come down,” William said.
Lydia said that they will have more things as the summer progresses like green peppers and eggplant.
They also have entertainment. One of my high school friends says a Led Zepellin cover band brought in some of us old fogies, and they often have more current music.
This post owed to Clayton Freeman.
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