Here’s another point from Chris Miller at the
2011 Economic Summit,
according to the VDT story by Dawn Castro 18 May 2011,
So if the Chamber wants, as it says,
knowledge-based businesses and jobs,
maybe it should work to get us out of
the Internet backwoods.
Notice Thomas County prominently faster on that map than Lowndes County.
Chris Miller
used to work for Mindspring and Earthlink,
so doubtless he understands the regulatory capture games the duopoly
plays to keep selling us substandard speeds, and how to leapfrog that
to real connectivity.
VLCIA brags about the
transportation advantages of
I-75 and I-10 and the airport and rail connections.
How about we speed up so we can brag about the 21st century equivalent
of those things: Internet connectivity.
Anyway, congratulations again to the Chamber for holding the 2011 Economic Summit.
Short Link:
“Thomasville didn’t have hi-speed internet,
so the process of moving products quickly was not possible,”
he said, “With Rose Net hi-speed broadband, it is now able to
work 25 times faster.
That one simple step boosted economic product growth,
and as we all know, the technical industry creates a
wage growth path.”
Georgia Internet Speed Results by
As previously mentioned, if we’re going to copy Chattanooga about something,
how about not their useless
school consolidation, and instead
their gigabit Internet.
Posting this stuff sure would be easier even on Thomasville’s 22 Mbps
down 3Mbps up CNS than on AT&T’s allegedly 3Mbps down 0.3Mbps up DSL,
which really gets more like 2Mbps down 0.15Mbps up much of the time.
Expert says Valdosta lags behind Thomasville in Internet speed for business
Let’s leapfrog Thomasville in the 21st century equivalent of roads, rail, and airports: Internet speeds!