Here’s the video:
Let us try to come together and find some method —John Robinson
Regular monthly meeting of the Valdosta City Council (VCC),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 21 April 2011,
Videos by George Boston Rhynes for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.
George Rhynes posted a complete transcript. Here are a few excerpts:
We know we got problems on our school boards. We know that we got some other issues. We got other issues that we got to resolve. But we cannot resolve them if we don’t get some M O N E Y money — on the south side of social and economic divide which has always been neglected.He told a personal anecdote, criticized some people for bickering, and recommended dialog. Then he concluded:That have never had nothing over there on the South Side and everybody expect for a poor man to come up and suppose to live like he is suppose to come up! As if he is some productive citizens and he has never had the opportunity to get a place.
We don’t have any banking or loan institutions. We don’t have anybody to stand on our side for us to try — and get a loan in order to try and get something. But we will get on the wave and we will ride these waves. But we will discuss those things about the air. We will discuss all these things, but nobody is willing to talk about what we really need to be talking about and that’s our economy.
We got the Valdosta Small Emerging Business (VSEB) Program. We need to get this program off the ground and operating. I am not against the Biomass Program as far as protesting on the issues. You should want clean and fresh air.
Now my suggestion to this council and to every body that’s here is; let us try to come together and find some method, a formula or some kind of a routine. That we can start talking, instead of just bashing each other, and then come up with something positive! Thank Yawl!Dialog and talking together!
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