Submission Methods
Please send submissions for
the blog of LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange,
by email to
or to (yes, the dashes are part of that address). -
or as a comment on a recent LAKE blog post.
LAKE may choose any comment to promote to a main post.
Submission Format
This is a blog posted in HTML on the web. Submissions should be plain text inline in the body of the email message or blog comment.
You may use HTML markup to indicate emphasis, headers, images, videos, etc.
We like pictures and videos. Please put them on the web and send us links to them.
If you have pictures or videos you don’t know how to get on the web, please send us a note to with a request to discuss.
There are no length limits on submissions, but we (and our readers) do get bored with wordiness and repetition.
Submission Content
Content relevant to Lowndes County, Georgia or the surrounding area is preferred.We especially seek reports on government bodies and other meetings. There are five cities and the county government in Lowndes County, and two school systems plus at least twenty appointed boards, and of course similar organizations in the surrounding area. All of them are of interest. Go, take notes, take pictures, take videos, send us some!
Opinions are good; facts are better. This is a blog, so every post has opinions. But we try to back up opinions with evidence.
If you have documentation, please send a link to it online, or a citation for where to find it, or a description, or the name of someone or some organization that has it, or the document itself. If you send a non-text document, see Convert It. We’re all owls in this together.
Editorial Policy
LAKE reserves complete discretion to select, edit, and annotate submissions, and to delete blog or facebook comments that are spam or personal attacks, or for any other reason whatever.Comments on the LAKE blog or facebook page are not necessarily endorsed by LAKE, even if we promote them to be main blog posts. Most blog posts by LAKE people are not necessarily endorsed by LAKE, either. Chronic readers will have noted that we don’t even agree among ourselves on a number of issues and often criticize each other. Remember, the purpose of LAKE is transparency and dialog. The only posts that are endorsed by LAKE as an organization are those few that say by someone “for LAKE”.
Remember LAKE’s motto:
Citizen dialog for transparent processComments and posts on this blog are part of that process.
We look forward to your comments and reports!
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