Over the past four years, I have had a significant number of citizens contact me. Some with complaints, some with questions and yes…even some with compliments. I have never refused to meet with anyone. Some want to know what my position is on an issue. As a rule, especially on items that may come before council for a vote – I do not state a position. I choose to wait for the public hearing at which time all final arguements both for and against an item are stated and on the record.
Mrs. Noll contacted me directly this past week and we met and discussed
the biomass issue. I have had others both in favor and against it contact me over the past year as well. In all, I have always tried to treat each one with respect. Listening and asking questions to make sure I understand their issues or position.Mrs. Touchton, while I am sure you and I have a number of topics where we will agree, on this one you and I simply disagree. Until this item is brought forth on a city council agenda for action- I choose to reserve my vote until that time.
Let me add, I have cast around 800+ votes over the past 4 years. Some have made half the folks happy and the other half mad. There is no getting around it. So please do not assume that my decision to remain neutral means I am not willing or capable of casting a vote.
Tim Carroll
Short Link:
Although Mr. Carroll voted for Jennifer Powell instead of Tom Call, Tom Call was voted in by Council to take the place of Gary Minchew. It is incumbent upon the Council to tell their appointees their recommendations per citizens’ concerns. Chairman Paulk stated to us at the conclusion of last night’s County Commission meeting that Roy Copeland and Mary Gooding were the 2 who were trying to convince VLCIA to vote “no” on extension of Sterling Planet/Wiregrass, LLC, contract. Mr. Carroll and the rest of Council ought to have been communicating to Tom Call to join with Copeland and Gooding on this issue.
Mr. Carroll has not been given hundreds of signatures in support of this biomass plant, I myself gave Mr. Carroll approximately 400 citizen names and Mrs. Noll gave Council another petition with hundreds more. Who are the pro-biomass citizens giving their concerns to Mr. Carroll privately? None of these alleged “supporters” have stood before Council during CTBH to put their opinions into the public record. Where have they spoken publicly? Where? the overwhelming citizen voice has been one of opposition to this proposed incinerator.
I just reviewed a lengthy transcript of CTBH that took place in November 2010 wherein Mayor Fretti directly engaged Dr. Susan Wehling and clearly stated publicly that the Council would have to vote to sell gray water to the proposed incinerator and that no such agreement had yet been made. Could Mayor and Council please get together and tell us once and for all what the situation is regarding the gray water? I do not expect to be told “go hire an attorney to research it for you” as was told to Mark George when he asked something similar.