How Much | To Whom | From | For What |
$7,200.00 | Lovell Engineering Associates | Valdosta | Design of Culvert |
$48,010.00 | Doyle Hancock & Sons Construc. | Doerun | Clearing and Grubbing |
$1,357,887.92 | The Scruggs Company | Valdosta | Paving |
$1,413,097.92 | All contractors | Total |
This financial information comes from an open records request filed by Carolyn Selby more than a year ago and finally fulfilled 17 March 2011. Copies of all the pages received are in the flickr set.
How many other roads could have been paved for $1.4 million?
If this road had been paved like a local rural road,
instead of like a state highway (literally according to
state highway standards) it would not have cost nearly
as much and probably another shorter road could have been paved, too.
And if other roads were paved like local roads instead of state
highways, how many more of them could be paved?
They still wait while this one got paved to the tune of $1.4 million.
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