What I found most disturbing are actually the following things that happened at last night’s meeting:Sometimes sludge replacement parts are boring, but if we don’t replace them and the wastewater treatment plant overflows, it may pollute your yard or your creek. Best we take of it ahead of time and be proactive, rather than reactive. Let’s take care of a problem before it happens!-Michael Noll
- A Mayor in absentia because he is celebrating his birthday and decided not to attend because of a lack of agenda items for the meeting.
- A mother being harassed by Mr. Taylor who makes sexist comments when her daughter is receiving an award for an essay contest.
- A City Council and ALL of its members who continue to hide behind a policy that supposedly does not allow them to respond during meetings. As if they would respond before or after meetings.
- City Council member Yost going into a tirade about my wife’s comment in regard to “boring” meetings, when she is referring to the experience of our children who have been sitting through quite a few of them by now. Such meetings are indeed “boring” to a 9 and 12 year old.
- Council member Yost then goes on to “thank” all of us for staying until the end of the meeting so that we could witness the important work they do. Like what? The replacement of two belt press sludge pumps, the renaming of a street? If there is an important piece of work Mr. Yost and his colleagues could impress us with, it would be a resolution to not sell water to a biomass plant that threatens the health of our community!
PS: Don’t forget to go to the Planning Commission on Monday.
Short Link:
I’m concerned about sludge, I’ve made that concern to VCC, I’m concerned about their decision to sell sludge to the proposed biomass incinerator.
An award winning essay from a student was read and the young man incorporated a paragraph about how “If I Were Mayor, I would get rid of the biomass plant because I don’t want to breathe the poop they’re going to burn.”