If you live in Blairsville, part of your home’s electricity may be provided by solar energy, thanks to a recently opened solar farm on Ed King Road.The buyer for the power is the TVA, which says:The farm, built and maintained by ESA Renewables, a company headquartered in Castellon, Spain, is privately owned and takes up 5 acres, making it the largest privately held ground-mounted solar farm in Georgia….
The Blairsville site produces 1 megawatt per year.
That’s enough to provide power for 122 houses, according to Javier Latre, director of engineering for ESA Renewables.
“In the last year, it’s gone from 5 megawatts total to just over 65 megawatts,” he said, adding that the TVA had to “pause” the program for two weeks last June to catch up with program applications.Sounds like a growth industry to me.
Blairsville is 300 miles north of here, with less sun. Yet they just built a solar array three times the size of the one recently installed in Valdosta but not yet connected by Georgia Power.
Maybe it takes somebody from Spain to get solar moving.
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