“The shipping of fathers and mothers to private prisons in far-flung states is guaranteeing a new generation of frightened, angry, disenfranchised children, who are future inmates,” she said, adding that “families who try to visit loved ones are treated as suspects in many prisons. The children cannot understand the lack of warmth and hospitality in the visiting rooms.”
The Episcopal Church’s General Convention is on record in opposition to private prisons.
Resolution Calling for the Abolition of For-Profit Private Prisons
Approved by the 215th General Assembly (2003)
Since the goal of for-profit private prisons is earning a profit for their shareholders, there is a basic and fundamental conflict with the concept of rehabilitation as the ultimate goal of the prison system. We believe that this is a glaring and significant flaw in our justice system and that for-profit private prisons should be abolished.
Wardens from Wall Street: Prison Privatization
Second in a series of six pastoral statements by Catholic Bishops of the South on the Criminal Justice process: a gospel response.
“We bishops question whether private, for-profit corporations can effectively run prisons. The profit motive may lead to reduced efforts to change behaviors, treat substance abuse, and offer skills necessary for reintegration into the community.” U.S. Catholic Bishops statement “Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice,” November 2000.
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