Protestors wearing respirator masks held signs reading “Biomass? No!” in front of the Valdosta City Hall building on Thursday. Members of the Wiregrass Activists for Clean Energy, the VSU student organization Students Against Violating the Environment, and other concerned Valdosta citizens showed up to protest the construction of the Wiregrass Power: Biomass Electric Generating Plant.The Spectator article quotes from two speakers for whom LAKE happens to have video, linked below.“We already have solar power resources in place that we could be using and I feel like money should be directed towards that,” Ivey Roubique, vice-president of the Student Geological Society, said. “It wouldn’t be good for the community and even though I’m in college here it still matters.”

S.A.V.E. president Erin Hurley spoke to the council members during the City Council meeting.“As a student I feel I have the right to breathe clean air at the college I attend, with this Biomass plant possibly being built here the future for generations to come is at jeopardy and we want to protect our fellow and future students’ health,” Hurley said.

“I’m just utterly confused given the public outcry about this across the political spectrum, from conservative to liberal, why we’re still talking about it and why we haven’t decided as a community and you as a body that it’s a bad idea,” George said.
There’s more in the Spectator article.
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