The solar plant has been part of the plan from the beginning, which of course doesn’t quite answer Patrick Davis’ question. VLCIA knows it can increase the size of the solar plant, and they seem to think that could be a good idea. They could also choose to forget the biomass plant, but they refuse to do that. Much more about Wiregrass Solar Power LLC.Is this Brad Lofton-led ‘solar’ groundbreaking event by the Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority an olive branch or a smokescreen.for the community Or an example of ‘compassionate consevratism’?
Also please note that this blog is
On the LAKE Front,
LAKE is an acronym for the
Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange,
which is about
citizen dialog for transparent process
for all of Lowndes County and the general area, not just Valdosta.
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