See also Col. Ricketts on “folks come into the community”. -jsqFrom: Brad Lofton
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 15:07:16 -0500
Cc: [Dr. Noll, Kay Harris, jsq, lhenderson, hopeforcleanwater]
To: “Bill” [Sammons, Leigh Touchton],
Subject: Re: Background information on Dr. Christopher TeafThanks again for your e-mail Dr. Sammons. As we have said multiple times now, we are satisfied with the safety of this plant, the numerous experts that have approved it, and the due diligence we have done. You can continue to send ten e-mails a day, yet our position remains the same. I hope the weather is nice today in Massachusetts.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
Short Link:
Mr. Lofton has an amazing repertoire. When he’s not xenophobically referring to Dr. Sammons’ residence in Massachusetts, he’s telling him that he “hops in and out of the community to scare people.” Then he’ll tell Dr. Noll that “he lacks courage to sit down with him.” Then he’ll refer to Ms. Touchton as “misinformation on the street.” Then he’ll tell Dr. Noll that he’ll “be sure to put it in the appropriate file.” Then he’ll claim publicly that community leaders are biomass supporters when they are not. Then he’ll say he’s not responding anymore but then he’ll respond 20 times from his evening social hour at the latest biomass conference in Atlanta while socializing with the Golder Associates firm that tried to sell the BG&E biomass boondoggle in Tallahassee. Then he’ll complain that he spent 12 hours on Mrs. Noll’s Open Records Request and “she hasn’t picked it up.” (she was engaged with the Attorney General’s office because the Industrial Authority was not following proper laws re: ORRs, namely, they can’t demand prepayment and they must give an itemization.)
And the whole email exchange started when someone forwarded an email from Mr. Lofton that started with “I do not want to energize a public forum for misinformation” and he thanked his “stakeholders” whose names he was conveniently keeping out of the public view.
And THEN he’ll get on the radio and refer to a nationally renowned pediatrician and the local university professors that are taking leaderhip on this issue as “ignorant.”
Whew. Why doesn’t Sterling Planet/Wiregrass LLC hire a Public Relations front man for their boondoggle? Why are taxpayers paying Mr. Lofton for this? And why aren’t the 5 VLCIA board members insisting upon a more professional tone from their Executive Director?
PS I like His Imperial Majesty Norton picture.