Of course, a condominium doesn’t have to be a dwelling unit. As Gary Stock points out The key feature is joint ownership:
“A condominium is not a building. It is a form of ownership.”it could be a horse farm, a hunting camp, a fishing club, or other. There usually needs to be a general common area, then some limited common areas with building envelopes for condo unit owners to use to build buildings (or maybe buildings are already there). The catch is that because a condominium is all one piece of property jointly owned, drawing limited common areas and building envelopes doesn’t require zoning approval.
Appended is one of the more relevant sections of the Georgia code.
§ 44-3-114. Effect of article upon land use, zoning, building, and subdivision laws; effect of Code Section 44-3-92; applicability of land use and zoning ordinances or laws to expandable condominium
(a) No zoning, subdivision, building code, or other real estate use law, ordinance, or regulation shall prohibit the condominium form of ownership or impose any requirement upon a condominium which it does not impose upon a physically identical development under a different form of ownership. No subdivision law, ordinance, or regulation shall apply to any condominium or to any subdivision of any convertible space or unit. Except as stated in this Code section, no provision of this article invalidates or modifies any provision of any zoning, subdivision, building code, or other real estate use law, ordinance, or regulation; and nothing contained in this Code section shall be construed to amend, supersede, or invalidate any provision of Article 1 of this chapter nor shall Code Section 44-3-92 be construed to override any lawful density requirement imposed by any zoning, building, or land use law, ordinance, or regulation. This subsection shall apply to any condominium created on or after July 1, 1980, or to the expansion of any such condominium.(b) No subdivision law, ordinance, or regulation shall apply to any subdivision of any convertible space or unit as defined in this article. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subsection, however, nothing contained in this subsection shall be construed to amend, repeal, supersede, or invalidate any provision of Article 1 of this chapter nor shall Code Section 44-3-92 be construed to override any lawful density requirement imposed by any zoning, building, or land use law, ordinance, or regulation. This subsection shall apply to any condominium created prior to July 1, 1980, or to the expansion of any such condominium.
(c) No subdivision law, ordinance, or regulation shall apply to the additional property of an expandable condominium for so long as the additional property may be added to the expandable condominium in accordance with the provisions of this article and the declaration. If the additional property is not deemed separate from the submitted property under any zoning, land use, subdivision, building, or life safety law, code, regulation, or ordinance at the time of the establishment of the condominium, the additional property shall not be deemed separate from the submitted property under any zoning, land use, subdivision, building, or life safety law, code, regulation, or ordinance so long as the additional property may be added by the declarant to the expandable condominium in accordance with the provisions of this article and the declaration.
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