In the event “gaps” between available water and future (or current) demands are identified, the Council will determine which water and land use management practices should be employed to ensure there is sufficient water and assimilative capacity to meet future needs. EPD will use computer models to test the ability of the recommended practices to close any identified “gaps.”If you remember Atlanta running out of water a few years ago and parts of the state legislature trying to rewrite history to get water from Tennessee, it would be good to have south Georgia’s aquifer water not being sucked up by Atlanta like Los Angeles absorbs water from hundreds of miles around.
After the Regional Plan is adopted, all EPD permits and Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority (GEFA) grants and loans for water projects will be guided by the Plan.This would also be relevant to, for example, biomass projects.
The public comment period foor the plan has already expired. The next meeting of the council is this Thursday, September 2, at Okefenokee Technical College in Waycross. The agenda seems to indicate there’s still some room for input.
Here are the appointees for the Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Planning Council:
Name | City | County |
Linda Tanner | Pearson | Atkinson |
Eugene Dyal | Alma | Bacon |
Michael E. Edgy | Waynesville | Brantley |
Doyle Weltzbarker | Quitman | Brooks |
Alva Joseph Hopkins | Folkston | Charlton |
Miles A. Stone | Fargo | Clinch |
Carroll Coarsey | Brookfield | Tift |
Donald H. McCallum | Wray | Irwin |
Darvin Eason | Lenox | Cook |
Scott Downing | Fitzgerald | Ben Hill |
Joe Lewis | Tifton | Tift |
Jim Hedges | Ashburn | Turner |
James R. Willis | Waycross | Ware |
Hanson Carter | Nashville | Berrien |
Gordon Rogers | Waynesville | Brantley |
Grady Thompson | Tifton | Tift |
R.R. Rusty McCall | Valdosta | Lowndes |
William L. Brim | Tifton | Tift |
Dan Raines | Ashburn | Turner |
Earl Brice | Douglas | Coffee |
Greg Evans | Douglas | Coffee |
Jackie Wilson | Douglas | Coffee |
Wesley Langdale | Valdosta | Lowndes |
Ben Copeland | Lakeland | Lanier |
Scotty Raines | Sycamore | Turner |
Alternate Frank Sisk | Blackshear | Pierce |
Alternate Don Johnson | Nicholls | Coffee |
Alternate Joseph Boyett | Waycross | Ware |
Ex-Officio | Rep. Jay Shaw | |
Ex-Officio | Sen. Greg Goggins |
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