- The document VLCIA supplied as their best reference on CO2 and biomass, Biomass carbon neutrality in the context of forest-based fuels and products, by Reid Miner, NCASI, Al Lucier, NCASI, appears to depend for its analysis on harvesting whole trees for biomass.
At least one other proposed biomass operator in Georgia, Oglethorpe Power,
asserts in a press release of May 7, 2009 regarding its purchase of land in Warren County, referring also to its site in Appling County and an alternative
site in Echols County:
The biomass plants will generate electricity by burning a woody biomass mixture expected to consist primarily of whole tree chips and chipped pulpwood, along with wood waste from saw mills and wood remaining in the forest after clearing.
Why is it economical for Oglethorpe Power to burn whole trees but not for Wiregrass, LLC? -
Meanwhile, in North Carolina, several organizations are
petitioning the NC state PUC:
NCFB and NCFA respectfully request that the Commission issue an Order finding that wood fuel, including wood chips from whole ttreees, whqualifies as a “renewable energy resource under N.C. Gen. Stat….
(More on that here.) If burning whole trees is so economically feasible in North Carolina that the NC Farm Bureau Federation and North Carolina Forestry Association are petitioning the NC PUC to permit it, why isn’t it economically feasible for Wiregrass LLC in south Georgia?
Short Link:
I am Pastor Angela Manning and I am totally against the Biomass plant. Allen Ricketts wants us to believe that the plant will not be harmful to our health, but I disagree. There is no way that they can gaurantee that it won’t be harmful. I believe that the emissions from the plant will slowly kill us. Those of us who already suffer from asthma, bronchitis, allergies etc. will only get worse. We must take a stand against the Wiregrass Biomass. Plant