Free Workshops
Farmers, Producers and Small BusinessesLearn how to access loans and grants for energy efficiency improvements or renewable energy projects through the Renewable Energy for America Program (REAP).
Learn if you qualify for a Value Added Producer Grant, to help you diversify, market or promote your product.
All workshops are 10 a.m.—noon
October 19—Thomasville—Public Library-Flipper Rm., 210 N. Madison St. 229-225-5252
October 26—Americus—Pope Center Teleconference Room, South Georgia Technical College, 900 South Georgia Tech Pkwy. Directions at www.southgatech.edu; 229-931-2394
October 27—Statesboro—USDA Rural Development Service Center, Bulloch County Agribusiness Center, 151 Langston Chapel Rd. 912-871-2620
Limited Seating. For more information on these programs, visit http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/ga or contact craig.scroggs@ga.usda.gov or al.burns@ga.usda.gov.
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